The University of Strasbourg Symposium

Call for Proposals

Symposium Theme:  Addressing Access and Accessibility Through Usability and Design: Ideas and Approaches for Web Communication, Technical Communication and Localization

Proposals Deadline: Monday, 20 January 2025

Location: University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France

Submitting a Proposal

Individuals interested in delivering an individual (1-person) or joint (2-person) presentation at the Symposium are invited to submit a 250-300 word proposal to give a 15-20 minute talk relating to the Symposium’s theme and related objectives.

Proposals for both individual and joint presentations should include:

  • The title of the proposed presentation
  • The name(s) and affiliation(s) of the presenter(s)
  • The overall topic/focus of the proposed presentation
  • The approach the proposed presentation will take to examine this topic
  • The connection of the proposed presentation’s focus to the theme of the Symposium
  • The strategies attendees can use to apply ideas from the proposed presentation to research, teaching, or other (e.g., product development) practices

Proposals should be submitted as .doc files emailed to, and the subject line of the related message should read “Strasbourg Symposium.”

Proposals are due on Monday, 20 January 2025

Topics for the Presentation

The Symposium welcomes a range of topics related to usability, particularly in connection with technical communication and localization. Topics to consider include:

  • Methods for conducting usability and design research to address access and accessibility
  • Theories to guide usability and design approaches to address access and accessibility
  • Contexts to study when doing usability and design research on access and accessibility
  • Approaches to test or apply usability and design research to address access and accessibility
  • Variables to consider when evaluating usability as related to access and accessibility
  • Topics to examine when researching usability and design related to access and accessibility
  • Ways culture, language, and society affect usability and design per access and accessibility
  • Effects of new and emerging technologies as related to usability, access, and accessibility

Details on the Symposium

Registration for the Symposium is free to all presenters and attendees, and additional details on travel and lodging for the Symposium will be posted to an event-related website later this spring.

Questions on the Symposium

If you have any questions or would like to discuss aspects of the Symposium—including potential presentation topics—feel free to email the Symposium chair, Kirk St. Amant, at

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